How To Speed Up Indexing Process To Get Traffic

Speed Up Indexing Process To Get Traffic
To get alot of traffic is dream of almost every blogger.Every blogger wants increase its blog traffic but it is not an easy task to do.If you want traffic for your blog your must be indexed by bots.A new blog can take two or more weaks to be indexed.Dont worry this processcan be fasten by simple techniques.Basically there are two major parts of indexing.In the very first part bots collects information about your blog posts and then add it in search index box.In the second part bots starts crawling your blog.After it your posts starts appearingin search results.
There are alot of search engions on the web and they crawl thousends and millions of blogs daily.As you know the best and most used searchengion is Google.Almost 60 to 70 percent traffic to populer blogs comes from google and from remaning 30 to 40 percent traffic almost 20 to25 percent comes from social media.So all you have to do is to constrate on google but google bot is very busy because billions of people update their blog or web daily and even hourly so it is impossible for google bot to index all those blogs at once.
If you want to speed up this proces for your blog you can follow the below steps.

Submit Sitemap To Search Engions

As i mention earlier the bots are very busy so they take alot of time to index your site.There is mannual way to tell search engions aboutyour site that is submitting sitemap.Basically sitemap is a file of all your blogs data and it provides complete information of your blogs to search engions.Site map is very important thing which helps Google and other search engions to crawl and index your site.Submitting site map to search engions is kind of notification to them about your blog and published posts.when you submityour sitemap to search engions they start showing submitted post.

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Ping Your Blog

Getting organic traffic is all about seo.If you neglect it you will not be able to get traffic from search engions.Pinging your blog tells search engions that you have updated your blog it helps to index your blog more fastly.You can ping dialy weekly or whenever you want as there is no limit but it is adviced to ping when you update your blog.
You can ping at Pingomatic

Use Fetch As Google

Use fetch as google in search console or google webmaster tools or in bing webmaster tools.This will help in indexing your blog posts more fastly.Make sure to use this tool.

Share Your Content On Social Media

As i mentioned earlier that 25 % traffic of famous blogs comes from social media.You can immagine importance of social media in bringing traffic.You can bring targeted traffic from facebook by sharing your links to facebook groups.You can also make vedio to elaborate you article and paste it on youtube and give link in description.Do share your content on other social media like Google+,Pinterst,Twitter etc.

Make Keywords Trending

Ask your freinds to search keywords of your posts or posts title in search engions it will make your posts trending and hence bots will most likely to show your content in search results.Infact it is a great factor in ranking well in search results.

Submit Your Blog To Directories

Submitting blog to directories is benificail for blogs.There are alot of directories of the web some of them are paid but there free directoris too.Dmoz is best free directory and its free too.Make sure to submit your blog here,you can find other directories on Google too.
Follow all the above steps and you see an amazing change in your organic traffic.
I hope you found this article helpful.if you are still not satisfied with your blog traffic comment below i would like to help.

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  • how to index blogs fastly
  • how to increase blog traffic
  • how to get more views on blog
  • how to index blogger posts fastly
  • how to increase visitors of a blog
  • how to boost blog traffic