How To Choose Right Keywords To Boost Traffic

Choose Right Keywords To Boost Traffic
Key words are like building blocks of a web page.keywords are basically search terms searched by users with search engions.If your webpage has relvent or exact keywords to search term of user your webpage would be displayed in search results.Basically search terms or keywords are of two types both of them are described below.

Short Term Keywords

Short keywords contains one ore two words for example songs,hd songs or latest songs.Short keywords descibe the main topic of your webpage so use short keywords accurately.Short keywords are placed in the templete in the <head> region.They play an important role in seo and search bots like google find the topic of your blog by shor term keywords.

Keyword Planner

You can use google keyword planner to find most accurate keywords according to your blog topic.Google keyword planner is best tool and it will show most relevent and important keywords according to your blog topic.It is advsed to choose short term keywords which are most related to your topic otherwise search bots will be unable to categories your blog topic and you will lose all your traffic.

Use Search Engion Recomndations

It is another significant and useful method to collect relevent keywords of your niche.Just search for your blog topic and you will find other keywords relevent to your searched keywords as shown in pic below.For example if search for songs ther relvent keywords will appear at the end of search page.Moreover you can also use suggested keyword in your blog.

Use Webmaster Tools

You can also use webmaster tools to get keywords by which people reached your blog.This method is also very affective.You can find all the keywords in webmaster tools by which people reached your blog.Make sure to use them

Long Term Keywords

Long term keywords are most important for blog SEO.Long term keyword is sentense composed of two or ther or more words which is used to search something by users.For example if i am looking for how can use keywords in blogger i will search for 'how to use keywords in blogger'Or 'how to optime keywords for seo in blogger or maye something like this.
Since short term keywords are used for populer or famouse websites and blogs like facebook,twitter,youtube etc Long term keywords are very effective and essential in blogger SEO.Infact they play vital role in SEO of a blog.When ever a saerch query is simmiler or exactly same to your long term keyword your blog post is displayed in search results.

How To Use Long Term Keywords

You can not use long term keywords in your blog templete because they are post specific.You can not use long term keywords to specify a whole blog so long terms keywords are used in post description.You can use your long term keywors instead of post description it will help alot in bring traffic and bots will find your post most relevent to search queries about your post.
You can collect long term keywords by all the methods i mentioned earlier for convinence i am listing them again.
  1. Google Keyword Planner
  2. Search Engion Recomendations
  3. Webmaster Tools
I hope you will find most relevent keywords accornding to your blogs niche.If any problem presist you can comment below.

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  • How to choose best keywords to boost traffic
  • How to use keywords in blogger blog to boost traffic
  • How to use google keyword planner
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  • How to boost traffic by choosing keywords