How To Prevent Country Specific Redirection In Blogger

Prevent Country Specific Redirection In Blogger

Like any other app or website blogger also try to satisfy its user by introducing new feauters.Most often the new coming features are very good for blogger blogs but sometime theyintroduce some features which are not usefull for bloggers.For example recently they have added HTTPS feauture to blogger so that browsers can consider blogger blogs secure which isvery good.Their are alot of feaures which are not liked by all people like feautred post widget.Another annoying implimentation is country specific redirection.For example if you vistblogfowl from UK url will be and if you visit it from india the url will be

Disadvantages Of Coutry Specific Redirection

There are alot of disadvantages of using country specific redirection in blogger,some of them are listed below.

Indexing Problems

Country specific redirection causes indexing problems.If you submitt your blogs sitemap to search engions like Yendex it will show site mirror error if your blog has country specific redirection enabled.

Search Engion Optimization

Country specific redirection does not harm the seo of blog if it is manged properly but that needs alot of hard work.Beacuse your backlinks get divided for each country specific url and you have to build backlinks for each country url and thats is very difficult and time consuming instead you can keep a single standered url and build backlinks for it which is comparetively easy.

Affects Blog Speed

Country specific redirection also affect blog speed beacuse blog has to be redirected to url of the specific country which takes time.

Affect Socail Shares Count

It also affect social shares count.Shares counts are also divided like backlinks and you have to engage shares for each specific country separately.If you have 20 shares on url of india they wont be visible on the url of UK.
You can get rid of all the above and some more problems by disabling country specific redirection and redirecting you blog to top level domain .com.

How To Prevent Country Specific Redirection In Blogger

Step : 1 Go to blogger dashboard.
Step : 2 Then go to Templete>Edit Html.
Step : 3 Now search for </head>.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var blog = document.location.href.toLowerCase();
if (!blog.match(/\.blogspot\.com/)) {
blog = blog.replace(/\.blogspot\..*?\//, &quot;;);
Step : 4 Now paste the above script above it.
Step : 5 Now save your templete and you are done.
Hope you found this article helpful.If any problem presist feel free to comment below.

Tagged With

  • reasons to stop country specific redirection in blogger
  • increase backlinks
  • improve site ranking
  • how to prevent country specific redirection
  • improve blog seo