How to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger Contents

Hello friends, welcome to the TutBig today I will show you How to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger Contents very useful recommendation to protect your blog content from plagiarists. If you are running your blog in blogger and don’t want to let anyone “copy and paste” your blog content by using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V then, this simple tutorial will disable copy paste in Blogger posts.

Method 1: Using JavaScript

1. Sign into your blogger account and go to the Blogger “Dashboard”.
2. From the left side click on the “Template” section and then click on “Edit HTML”.
How to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger Contents
3. In the HTML editor window, Find the line “<head>.”
How to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger Contents
4. Now paste the following code right below the line.
How to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger Contents
<script language='JavaScript1.2'> function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } //if IE4+ document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;) //if NS6 if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onclick=reEnable } </script>
5. Click on the “Save Template” button and you are done. Go to your blog home page. Reload the page and then try to copy your content to make sure the code is working. 

I hope you enjoy this post and the photos. How to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger Contents