Are you planning to have a website soon? Well, you may need to
select a web hosting company. Choosing your web hosting services is very vital in any launch of a website. With the thousands of web hosting companies offering almost similar services, choosing the best one can be a challenge. Here are tips to choosing the best web hosting services.
1. Understand Your Specific Hosting Needs
The very first thing you need to do before purchasing any web hosting service is to analyze and write down your specific needs. If you are planning to work with Wordpress or run an e-commerce site, you may be interested to compare hosting service providers. For instance, you may need to read a breakdown of
InMotion vs Bluehost before you go for one that suits your needs. It is good to have a rough estimate of how much traffic you expect in a month. This will help you not to end up paying too much for a larger or an expensive server or too little for a server that cannot keep up with your website's traffic. You will also have to consider if you need extra features such as SSL certificates and email hosting. Check also your monthly budget to scale out web hosts outside your budget.
2. Speed and Reliability
An important thing to consider when choosing a web host is its speed and reliability. You want your site to be operating as often as possible if not always. Remember that some minute’s downtime per day can lead to a hefty loss of revenue. Since you want your customers to have the best experience with your website, always choose a site that proudly boasts that their servers are active at 99.5%. You can check out the online reviews of proposed servers and get a clue of how other customer's sites are performing using the host companies.
3. Security and Support
Security features f any web host is very important to consider. Look for a host that runs firewall or malware detections on their servers. Also, go for a host that offers frequent site backups just in case of any crisis or lost your data you can restore your site quickly. All web hosts have customer support platforms. How effective are they? It is always good to test the customer support either via email, online chat, or 24/7 phone support. Reach out to them and see if they will respond.
4. Look For A Host You Can Grow With
If you are an entrepreneur, you may expect that your website will be experiencing some growths every month. Will your host provider handle your flourishing business? Ask yourself that. Go for a lifelong hosting relationship. This means that you will not have to consider purchasing a new web-hosting provider since whatever you need by be accommodated by the host. Transferring files and domains can give you a headache and hassles, and it is the last thing you want.
5. Understand The Signup Vs. The Renewal Prices Well
Sign up deals for
hosting services can be very tempting because they normally offer higher discounts. This is especially for shared hosting which makes the prices very cheap. You may find yourself clicking on that buy button without even researching on the renewal price because the rates are so much tempting. Normally, renewal prices of such offers are usually much higher. To avoid surprises, check out their renewal prices before any signup.
6. Test Their Services
Some companies have a free trial period that you can test their services. Take advantage of this before plunging in fully to the site's services. If you are not impressed by their services, you can choose to cancel your hosting plans. If you are impressed, you can upgrade for premium services.