During few days, we were closely watching Google Authorships slowly getting removed from several blogs. First, we thought that it might be a bug or something. However, today we come across a devastating fact that Google has removed Verified Authorships not only from Low Quality blogs, but some highly professional blogs are also affected. It means Google is preparing something that could either hurt bloggers from top to bottom or could easily turn the tables towards them. We are still not sure whether Google is updating their publisher system, or there is any other reason behind it. Nonetheless, it is pretty much clear that it may slightly decrease your traffic because Google Verified authorship was your ticket to get featured on Search engine free of cost. (Our Authorship is also disabled)
From few days, we were receiving the best traffic peak of our whole month. First we thought. It is due to the back to back Panda and EMD algorithm updates, which is quite logical. However, the strange thing is that after our Authorship got removed our visitors started multiple more rapidly like a sports car which made us more curious. Following screenshot shows that how much traffic has increased during the absence of Google authorship.
Then, we tried to utilize Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool (Rich Snippet Tool) to detect whether there is any problem with the website or it’s a bug, and fortunately each and every URL was picture perfect it was showing the associated Author Image along with Linked publisher Profiles. Following screenshot shows that there is no error in Rich Snippet Tool, but still they are not showing verified authorship in Google search engine.
Another weird thing we noticed was that the Authorship was not entirely removed from every single page. For Example, our “About us” Page still triggers the Verified authorship so this is the confirmation that technically everything clean. Still it appears to be a mystery that why Google is doing all these kinds of experiments on well-established blogs. We have checked many blogs out of which 80 percent don’t have Authorship any more.
Since, Google is updating its Author tool so that could be the reason why lots of blog have lost their verified authorships. While on the other hand, the introduction of different kinds of attribution i.e. Rel=”Author”, Rel=”Publisher” and Rel=”me” could be the biggest reason behind the removal of verified author rank from Google search engine.
This doesn’t mean that your site is also having the save problem. However, for your satisfaction check whether you still are a Google Verified publisher. Simply search different pages of your website in search engine to check whether the publisher Image Thumbnail is appearing beside your website. Moreover, you can also utilize the Rich Snippet tool to make sure that technically everything is sound and working perfectly.
From The Editor’s Desk:
Still we are neither confirming nor declining that there is nothing fishy going around in Google department. They published two foremost algorithm updates in a week, and now suddenly Authorship gets disappeared from the search engine. Coming day’s will surely going to tell what was the real issue behind it. We will keep you updated through the latest updates about it till then peace, blessings and happy Googling.