Welcome to the TutBig today I will show you Simple Methode Facebook Page Permanently Delete. Whether you're worried about your online privacy or fed up with static status updates from old-school friends that you realize isn't really great, there are many reasons why you want to delete your Facebook account - and it's not as difficult as you might think.
In this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of deleting Facebook, including identifying the difference between "deactivating" your account and deleting it entirely.
If you are thinking of deleting your account then you are not alone.
How to delete or deactivate Facebook account - what's the difference?
There are two different ways to offline your Facebook account. The first is passive, which means:
- You can reactivate your account whenever you want
- People can't see your schedule on Facebook, or search for you
- Some information may remain visible (e.g. messages you sent)
- Facebook saves your account information (such as friends and interests) in case of reactivation
But deleting your account is more dangerous. If you delete your account:
- Facebook delays the deletion for a few days after the request is made. If you sign in during the grace period, the deletion will be canceled.
- you cannot regain access to your Facebook account once you delete it.
- it may take up to 60 days to delete your data stored in backup systems. However, your Facebook information is not accessible during this time
- Some things are not stored in your account, such as messages you sent to friends - these will remain active.
- copies of some material (such as log records) may remain in the Facebook database but are "separated from PIDs," according to the company.
Basically, opting out is a way to cool off Facebook for a while, while deleting is a permanent solution that you should carefully consider before choosing.
How to deactivate Facebook account
To deactivate your Facebook account, comply with these 5 steps:
- Click the down arrow in the account list at the top right of any Facebook page in your web browser
- Select "Settings"
- Choose "Your Facebook Information" in the left column
- Click ‘Deactivation and Deletion’
To reactivate your account after deactivating it, simply log your email and password to Facebook. Your profile will be fully restored.
How to delete your Facebook account
Deleting your Facebook account is a serious decision, so make sure it is something you really want to do. Whether you like it or not, social media is embedded in the community, and your Facebook profile can affect your friendships, jobs and social opportunities. Remember, there are also ways to secure your Facebook privacy settings. -If you particularly care about it.
I hope you enjoy this Post and Photos. Use This Simple Methode Facebook Page Permanently Delete.