How To Something Your Installing Python

Hello friends, welcome to the Tutbig today I will show you Python on Windows Before you install Python 3 on a Windows PC, find out if it uses the 32-bit or 64-bit version of windows. Click “Start”, right-click “Computer”, and left-click “Properties”. Then choose “System” if the option appears.

How To Something Your Installing Python

Python on Windows

1. Go to the Python website

Type the address below into your web
browser to go to the Python website.
Then click on “Downloads” to open the
download page.


2. Download Python

Click on the latest version of Python for Windows,
beginning with the number 3. The installer file will
download automatically. Of the different installer
options, select “executable installer”

How To Something Your Installing Python
3. Run the installer

Double-click the installer file to install Python.
Choose “install for all users” and click “next” at each
prompt, without changing the default settings.

How To Something Your Installing Python
4. Open IDLE

When the installation is finished, check that it was
successful by opening the IDLE program. Go to the
“Start” menu, choose “All Apps”, then select “IDLE”.
A window like the one below should open up.

Python 3.6.0a4 (v3.6.0a4:017cf260936b, Aug 15 2016, 00:45:10) [MSC v.1900 32bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.>>> 

Python on a Mac 

Before you install Python 3 on a Mac, check which
the operating system the computer uses. Click the
Apple icon in the top left of the screen and choose
“About this Mac” from the drop-down menu.

1. Go to the Python website

Type the address below into your web browser
to go to the Python website. Then click on
“Downloads” to open the download page.

2. Download Python 

From the downloads options, click on the
latest version of Python 3 that matches your
operating system. The Python.pkg file will
download to your Mac automatically.

How To Something Your Installing Python

3. Install Python

You’ll find the .pkg file in the “Downloads” folder. Its

the icon looks like an opened parcel. Double-click it to
start the installation. At the prompts, click “Continue”
and then “Install” to accept the default settings.

How To Something Your Installing Python

4. Open IDLE

When the installation is finished, check that it was
successful by opening the IDLE program. Open the
“Applications” folder, and then the “Python” folder.
Double-click “IDLE” and a window like this should appear.


Ask permission
Never install Python or any other
program unless you have permission
to do so from the computer’s owner.
You may also need to ask the owner
to provide an administration password
during installation.

How To Something Your Installing Python

Using IDLE

IDLE has two different windows in which you can
work. The editor window can be used to write
and save programs, while the shell window runs
Python instructions immediately.

The shell window                                   

When you open IDLE, the shell window pops up.
This is the best place to get started in Python
because you don’t have to create a new file first.
Just type the code directly into the shell window. 

▽ Working in the shell The code you type can be run straight away, and any messages or "bugs" (errors) are displayed. You can use the shell window like notepad, to test out snippets of code before you add them into a bigger program. 
How To Something Your Installing Python

▽ Give the shell a test run
Type each of these code snippets into the shell window
and press the enter/return key after each one. The first
line displays a message and the second line does a
calculation. Can you work out what the third line does?


Different windows

To help you know which window you
should type your code in, we’ve given
each window in IDLE a different color.
Shell window

Editor window

>>> print('I am 10 years old')>>> 123 + 456 * 7 / 8>>> ''.join(reversed('Time to code'))

The editor window 

The shell can’t save your code, so when you close the
shell window the code you typed is lost forever. That’s
why you should use IDLE’s editor window when you
work on a project. This window lets you save your code.
It also has built-in tools to help you write your programs
and to troubleshoot any errors.

▽ The editor window
To open the editor window in IDLE,
click on the File menu at the top
and choose New File. An empty
editor window will then appear.
You’ll use the editor window to
write and run programs for the
projects in this book.

How To Something Your Installing Python


Colors in the code

How To Something Your Installing Python

I hope you enjoy this post and the photos. How To Something Your Installing Python
