Welcome to the Tutbig Disqus tutorial today I will show you how to add an insert Disqus comment box to the Blogger blog with pictures. Disqus is the commenting widget gadget. Disqus allows the user to write whatever they want and it is free to add a Disqus widget to our website or blog easily, so here we add the Disqus comment box widget to blogger. Disqus allows anyone to comment either as a guest, Facebook, or other social media accounts. This will confirm its identification and all data will be saved in the Disqus portfolio but not in your account.
Step 1: First we open the Disqus site and click GET STARTED button.
Step 2: Now We Create a Disqus Account so We Signup Here.
Step 3: Here We Click I Want to Install Disqus on My Site Link.
Step 4: Here We Fill Website Name, Category Then Click Create Site Button.
Step 5: Now We Click Continue on Basic Button.
Step 6: Select Here Your Bog or Site Platform so Here I Am Select Blogger.
Step 7: Now We Click Add Blog-Name to My Blogger Site Button.
Step 8: In This Page, We Click Add Widget Blue Button.
Step 9: At Last Open Blogger Blog.
I hope you enjoy this post and the photos. Add Disqus Comment Box In Blogger