10 Best SEO Friendly Blogger Templates of 2016

10 Best SEO Friendly Blogger Templates of 2016
If you are using Blogger to publish your blogs then you might have some edge over SEO because owned by Google, Blogger is a platform that is pre-optimized for Search engines. However, sometimes a bad-optimized Blogger template can ruin your chances of gaining better search rankings. Therefore, it is important to have a SEO Optimized Blogger template that almost doubles your changes of ranking higher in the search engines. In this article, we will show you 10 Best SEO Friendly Blogger Templates of 2016.


As many other Templateism templates, BuzzMag is one of those templates that is being used by heaps of BlogSpot users. And who would not love this template? This template is mobile responsive too. Mean if a visitor comes to your blog using the devices like Iphone, Android and through other similar stuff, then this template would be automatically get fitted to that device, and it’s mean, you’re giving your visitor 100% user experiences which is pretty vital.

It’s also SEO Optimized. Mean this template coded pretty sensitively and while creating this template, the creator didn’t only looked at design but also at the codes, whether or not the codes are optimized or not?

This template could be a great if your website niche is based on the topics like Technologies, Devices, and Traveling, etc.


This template is highly attractive and on the top of that it is absolutely free to download. This template has static page at the top; mean you can insert the button likes About Us, Privacy Policy etc. Most of the templates consist of only one menu bar where you can only insert your primary tabs, but this template allows you to insert amoung two menu bars i.e. secondry and primary menus.

This template could be a great fit on any niche based website. No matter on what niche your blog is based on, this template could be your good pickup.


Publisher is yet another amazing and simple blogger template crafted by Templateism. This template is pretty simple, so if you’ve just started your blog at blogger and want to polish your experiences in SEO, Blogging, Writing etc then this template could be your best choice. This template has no sidebar as well, so you can realize how simple template this would be? But as I earlier mentioned that if you’re newbie and want your experience to be gained in anything, this is one of those blogger templates that could be a great pick.

As many other templates, this template is also SEO Optimized, its design is pretty decent, the ratio of UX of this template is pretty high.


Writer is very standard blogger template. One thing that attracted me of this template is its loading page. When you first head over to all those blogs that are installed on this template, you’ll see loading page at first which is very standard crafted. The menu bar of this template is amazing. There is a logo among tabs which is attracting me too much. The drop-down menu of this template is pretty well and it is responsive on all the devices. This is SEO Optimized and fast-loading blogger template as well. This template could be applied to any niche based blog.


This is tad bit unique template than all of those templates I’ve just mentioned above.
In this template, you can put your website main logo on the sidebar. And the sidebar of this template is on the left-hand side. So your website visitors can always look after to your logo once anyone visits your blog once a time. Its scroll bar is also customized and is looking pretty well.

This template is coded very sensitively as well. So this mean this template is mobile responsive, SEO friendly, good analytics of UX and even more.

You can also customize this template yourself. If you’ve basic or even less basic understanding of HTML and CSS, then you can customize this template according to your sense.


Relish is sublime blogger template. This blogger template is based on the color green. It was developed by MS Design. This template is based on two menu bars and it also has an ad slot, so you can fit an ad before above the fold area of your blog. And in this case, until you don't have entrance to run an advertisement on your blog, you can add you blog logo there too in order to fill the ad slot with your blog logo. This template is SEO Optimized, well designed and well coded as well. If you buy (not download from anywhere) then you'd be able to have 100+ Google Fonts simultaneously from only at one place, so you can change the font family of title, text etc of your blog. This template is great to get started if you want your blog to be looked professional.


This is one of those magazine blogger templates which is being relied on by many peoples who are using Blogger as their CMS. This is fantastic theme that has really pushed many people's magazine blog to another level. This menu bar of this template is pretty much likes off-canvas, so if someone click on menu button, other tabs open with mega menus. And on the menu bar there is a button for search, if someone clicks there, a window opens and allows visitors to type anything they’re finding.
Peoples are appreciating to work with it and all of those sites owners who are using this template, their's users are enjoying surfing their blog because of this amazing template.

This is SEO Optimized, fast loading, best UI and UX experienced and pretty standard and professional as well.


This template is based on three styles i.e. Blog list design, portfolio design, and blog list text design.
This template looks great. It has a menu bar at top and there is a slot of logo as well. So you’d have to set a logo for your blog and after that tabs come at the menu bar. It has ad slot not under or inside the menu bar but under the first post. So it is good for your ads to get one impression each time when a visitor comes to your blog. This template has three section based footer as well where you can put some extra things if you have any.

This is also SEO Optimized, fast loading, best UI and UX experienced blogger template.


MagPress offers Blogspot users two diverse shading decisions for their magazine based blog with MagPress, a light and dull shading plan that is controlled by advanced and established components for conveying an energetic content utilization experience. MagPress is a major topic, and the documentation is the ideal compliment for kicking you off with your very own magazine article blog on Blogger.

This template is SEO Optimized, amazing when it comes to UX and UI, fast loading, well coded and it has many untapped benefits.

Shadow Light

In conclusion, it's ShadowLight we are going to end this post with. ShadowLight is a portfolio/individual arranged Blogger theme that is going to discover house for contents that based on the topics like web development, web designing, software engineering, and different subjects of that nature. Worked for rate, ShadowLight is intensely upgraded to be one of the speediest subjects perpetually, making it responsive on any devices, such as cell phone, tablet, and portable workstation or desktop.  This template is  not only devices friendly, but SEO friendly too.

We hope this list of 10 best SEO Friendly Blogger templates has helped you in picking up a template for your site. If you know a better Template that is not included in our list feel free to review them in the comments below.