How to Remove Required Field Must Not be Blank Error in Blogger?

If you are an intense Blogger user and almost use it daily to update your blog, then from the past two days, you probably have been noticing some strange changes in Blogger post editor that might drive you crazy. It is a kind of error notification, which prompts and stops you from publishing posts. It only happens when you leave the title area of post “Blank or unfilled”. The funny thing is that, on various forums, people are taking it is as a  bug. However, it is certain that fellow BlogSpot users are not truly appreciating this reckless move. Today in this article, we will show you  How to Remove Required Field Must Not be Blank Error notifications in Blogger?

The Warning message appears just beneath the title field area, but it is not obvious that it is referring to the title i.e. “Required field must not be blank Ignore warning”. Even after clicking the “Ignore warning” link the same notification keeps on appearing after a gap of few seconds.

The Problem:

You cannot save, preview or even publish your posts. This is awfully dangerous especially when you are writing a long article and all of a sudden browser crashes, and leaves you empty handed. Until now, Blogger’s auto save was truly impressive which automatically saves your posts, and later on it can be accessed from Draft. Now it no longer saves until you write a title.
To sum up: It is kind of an annoying feature, not helpful, risky and tough to recognize. It is truly tricky to come up with something like this, but the hilarious thing is that someone did.

The Solution: 

To stop receiving these annoying notifications you can temporary give a title to your post and change it later, but why should work around? The title should not be required, though it pays a key role in getting higher search engine ranking. However, still few users want some posts to be published without a title. It's important to mention that Blogger has never required post titles before.

There are still a few ways through which you can publish a post without even worrying to write a post title. In the title area field of the post editor, just give few spaces using the space-bar and now your post is eligible to be published.

On the other hand, some people just want to show their post title to search engines not to the human viewers. Here, you can use modest CSS that would hide the title and make it viewable to only search engines. Before publishing your posts, add the following code in the HTML Tab of the editor and hit publish to hide the title from human users.

.post-title, .entry-title, .post h3, .post h2 {display: none;}

We hope, this post has helped you in getting rid of The "Required field must not be blank Ignore warning" error notifications. What are your thoughts and opinions about this new functionality? Does it really need to be there, or it should be the way it was in the past? Let’s have a meaningful and evocative conversation ahead in the comments.