Effective Way to Send A Reconsideration Requests To Google

When all of a sudden a website started to get less traffic from search engines, a webmaster will scratch his head, and struggle to understand why his site dropped in ranking. In most of the many cases, webmasters are unable to recognize why the Google web spam team has penalized their website until hit by any of the panda or penguin algorithmupdates. By penalizing a website, Google is giving a second chance to webmasters to follow the guideline otherwise they could easily ban a site that is violating rules without sending any notification whatsoever. A reconsideration request is an online form through which webmaster can send a personal email to Google telling them to reinstate your SERP ranking. Today we will discuss when and How to send reconsideration request to Google.

When to Send Reconsideration Request to Google?

According to the Google webmaster team, not everyone should fill a reconsideration request. Following are some examples where a reexamination appeal is applicable.

  • Tip#1: First of all, if a webmaster knows that he has violated one of the Google webmaster’s guideline that would be an excellent time to first clean up your site. Make sure that your website is incompliance with webmaster guidelines and then let Google know that you have made changes to your website. For example, I have removed the hidden text or something like that then file the Google reconsideration request.
  • Tip#2: Second, if your site accidently got hacked and the hacker implemented Black SEO Techniques on your blog now because you are not the culprit, then after reverting site back to normal you can send a Reexamination  appeal  to Google.
  • Tip#3: Third, sometimes you see a significant decrease in your organic traffic along with Search engine rankings and if you assume there is some misunderstanding, then you can ask Google to review your blog again.
  • Tip#4: Forth, Google releases algorithm updates on a monthly basis so if you think that you are affect by one of those updates then you can ask them to reinstate the site ranking and etc.
Many blog owners are too quick to react, and once they have confirmed that there is penalized they rapidly file a review   appeal   without making any changes. Therefore, Google gave them a negative reply, it’s essential to fix your site first before filling out requests.

Tips Directly From Google: How To File an Accurate Reconsideration Request?

To make your reconsider application count, follow the Following few tips that are from Google that would allow you to file a proper review  appeal . 

  • Be Descriptive and Honest: Let’s start with the case where you have violated Google guideline, it’s crucial to admit any mistakes that you have made and tell them what you have done to try to fix it. Try to give a full description, if you don’t provide them complete information than the request may be dumped down without any feedback. Try to honest while writing the review request because they knew everything so hiding anything would not result in the betterment of your site. According to them, “If you intentionally pass along bad or misleading information. We will disregard that request for reconsideration”.
  • Some Technical Errors: Few of the webmasters think’s that they have been hit by Panda or Penguin Algorithm updates. Make sure that traffic outage is not due to a technical error before sending a request.
  • Errors In Robot.txt File: Make sure you Robot.txt file is not blocking any significant pages from your website. If your site continues to provide difficulties to crawlers, then they might slow down your website’s crawling rate and this would decrease your traffic.
  • Checking the Quality Guideline: Google never appreciates those requests which are not applicable for reconsideration, because they hate receiving emails from someone who have still not read the Google Webmaster’s Quality Guidelines.
  • Don’t Spam, Send one request: Please don’t spam the reconsider application forum because that does not help to submit multiple  appeals, just one detail report and just get it right at the same time. If you have some new information to add about your site, go ahead and file a new review appeal.

How To Send Reconsideration Request to Google:

Now after reading and applying the above tips, you are prepared to file a review proposal.  Just follow the following instructions and your request will be as perfect as you like.
  • Sign in to your Google’s Webmaster tool.
  • Make sure you have added and successfully verified your website for reconsider.
  • Now go to Reconsideration request page.
  • Then from a drop down list, you have to select your website, which you want Google team to reconsider.
  • Now write detailed information about your site and tell them about the recent decline in traffic and etc.
All done: So the bottom line, Google cares about their search engine users, and they want them to be happy not to complain. Web Spam team will recheck your website and will inform you if any communication is required. Following is the copy of the Reconsideration Request that our founder “Syed Faizan Ali” Send to the Google web spam team.

Being a Googlar and a Blogger it feels overwhelmed. However, After the Recent Panda 3.9.1 Update My Site's Traffic is declined though we have survived more than 10 updates without any problem whatsoever. We don't understand why you guys have penalized this blog because we always make sure to provide gorgeous content. The only thing that came into my mind is that MyBloggerLab is bit new, so that could be the reason. Nevertheless, we wish that you guys can tell me where we are lacking. If it is a mistake then, Please reinstate my Traffic.

Syed Faizan Ali 

From the Editor’s Desk:
Sending a reconsideration request is something that gives a blogger a hope to Never Give Up. After sending a review  appeal, keep your patience and at least wait for 7 working days to get a reply. If you feel any problems during sending a review appeal to Google then feel free to drop your comment till then Peace, blessings and Happy Blogging.