8 Tips On How To Handle UnHappy Blog Followers

Do you think that difficulties of a Blogger start from Panda and ends at Penguin Algorithm updates? Incredibly these are the minor problems that a webmaster faces during his career because he has no control on these Algorithm updates. However, many people are unaware of this fact that how a blogger control his anger whenever he sees a HARSH Comment either about him or his community. Recent, we have witness lots of blogger saying Bye to blogging because they can’t control their temper when a visitor posted a painful remarks about him. Many webmasters retain their calm and handle these situations pretty handsomely, but few bloggers feel that someone is insulting him without any reason why so ever. Therefore, they attack their Readers, and hence loose significant amount of loyal readers. Today we will be discussing How a Blogger Should Handle Harsh Comments and solve the issue with calmness.
8 Ways on How To Handle UnHappy Blog Followers

Always Face the Music, Never Delete Harsh Comments:

The most childish mistake every Webmaster do whenever he saw a harsh comments he straightaway push it towards recycle bin. By removing those comments, you are actually accepting that the other person is telling the truth. On the other hand, the commenter wins the argument and never visit your website every again. Don’t think that commenter will be unable to get benefits from your site, because there are tons of sites that provide the same information, so Readers can easily transfer from your site to another without any hesitation whatsoever. However, a webmaster will lose many things i.e. Quality Readers, commenters and etc if he continues to remove harsh comments instead of facing them.

Stay Calm, and Be Talkative

A webmaster should maintain Clam nature because the possibilities are extremely high that few commenters might try to tempt you with their harsh remarks, but the one who remain clam always wins the race. Your readers might bug you with their negative attitude but be straightforward and never cross your limitations. Always try to be talkative with your readers because this will build a boundless relationship between web owner and followers.

Short of Temper, is the End:

The root of an argument is Bad humor, so if are short of temper then try not to handle your comments department because it will end up in a wild goose chase. Temper of a blogger matters a lot, especially when we chat about blogging, every now and then you will witness lots of people who will try to bully you, but being short of temper is not a correct way to handle them.

Develop a Friendly Environment:

By seeding friendly environment in your website, you are one step forward towards peace because there will be no more clashes of comments. Moreover, your new readers will feel much more secured in the welcoming environment because your old followers will always be ready to comfort your new followers in an appropriate manner.

Never Turn Your Back From Followers:

Quality followers are like a piece of Gem because it takes years to get quality readers, but one wrong step could demolish everything. Moreover, your blogging career would be at stake because no one would ever consider you as a role model. It is not counted as noble deed, if you turn back while a person is trying to talk to you. Closing a door on a visitors face is not a noble attitude, it must be contempt.

Give Respect To Earn Some Back:

Why bloggers cannot understand the fact that to earn some respect from others you have to be generous and should give respect back. Sometime the lust of wealth turns a web owner a bit materialistic and because of that his Followers started to feel bit angry. Therefore, they show their annoyance by giving harsh comments.

Don’t Leave Your Followers Alone:

The main blunder which every blogger commits over again and again is to leave their followers alone in dark. Since, there are no instructions to look after Readers. Therefore, they could be some discrimination against few people that could end up in a dead end. So it’s significant that a webmaster should never leave his followers alone.

Communicate With Followers and Resolve Issues:

Interaction with followers is extremely significant because without any communication, a webmaster cannot improve his services. Moreover, only readers have the idea that where a blogger is lacking. Moreover, by communicating to followers, you are one step forward to create peace in your site because sharing is caring.

From The Editor’s Desk:
On MBL we likely get few harsh reviews, but we tried our best to help them in a prominent way. Our main intent is to provide our readers a peaceful place, so they can practice whatever they like because MBL is not one man’s property it belongs to the whole Blogger community. Hope you have enjoyed some tips till then, peace, blessings and happy commenting.