How To Get Google's Verified Authorship For Multiple Authors In Blogger

Each and Every Blogger dream to see his name listed in Search engines and Google Verified authorship has done that so simpler that nowadays getting your name listed in Google Search is not that much difficult, then it was in previous times. In our recent article, we discussed how one blogger can get Verified Authorships for a certain blog though it become a massive hit but the only problem was that it didn’t support Multiple Google Verified Authorships on a same blog. So our MBL Team did a research on several WordPress Blogs, where they have certain plugins that does everything rather nicely. Thus, we derived HTML codes from numerous WordPress Blogs and tested them on several BlogSpot blogs, and astonishingly the result was pretty incredible because we were finally able to get Multiple Google Verified authorships in a single Blog Hosted at Blogger. As a result, today we will roll out Multiple Authorship tutorial for Blogger BlogSpot.

Significance of Setting up Google’s Multiple Verified Authorship:

If you have multiple writers working on your blog then how you can continue by setting up just one Google Verified author for your Blog, so it is extremely crucial to setup multi authorships if you have more than one writers. By setting up multiple authorships in your blog, you are telling your authors that everyone is equal.

How To Set Up Multiple Google Verified Author in Blogger BlogSpot:

If you have followed our previous Google Verified authorship tutorial then the following steps is pretty much identical to it, so just do as mentioned bellow.

Step#1 Creating Separate About us Page For Every Author:

First you have to create separate about us pages regarding your each and every Author. Make sure every author has Google Plus profile otherwise he cannot become verified author.
  • Go to >> Create New Post >> and paste the Following chunk of code into the HTML Tab of your Blogger editor.
<a rel="me" href= title="Syed Faizan Ali">Syed Faizan Ali</a>

Do the Following Changes:
  • Don’t forget to replace with the Google Plus profile URL of a certain author.
  • Also insert the image of the author of 128px in width then 128px in height. And make sure the images are identical on About author page as well as his Google Plus profile picture.
  • Now in the end, write something about the author so it doesn’t appear pretty awkward to your visitors and crawlers.
Remember: You have to create separate Author About us Page. For example, if you have 3 authors then you will repeat the above process three times in 3  separate pages.

Step#2: Adding Contribute Links in Google Plus Account:

Now to verify a specific person as an author of a certain blog, each and every author who is working on a certain blog have to insert the Blog Link (Home Page) into their Google Plus contribution list, so Google can identify as a author.
  • Go To Google Plus Profile >> Press Edit Profile
  • Now Scroll down and you will be able to see “Contributed To” just select it.
  • Now Press Custom Link and insert the complete HOME PAGE URL of the blog you are working as writer and then save it.

Step#3: Inserting Certain Authorship Links in Specific Posts of Authors:

Now to get verified you have to insert the Rel=”author” attribution in the post body of your writer's Post. This is the most important step so please follow it as mentioned.
  • Go to Blogger >> Your Blog >> Add a New post >> Write Your Post >>
  • Now Paste the Following chunk of HTML code at the end of your Author’s Post.
<a rel="author" href="Your_Specific_Author_About_Us">About</a>

<a rel="author" href= title="Syed Faizan Ali">Join Me on Google Plus</a>

Do these Changes in the code:

  • Replace Your_Specific_Author_About_Us with the separate about us page  that you have created on your blog for a certain writer, who has written a specific post, and you want to show him as the author of this post i.e.
  • Replace with the Google Plus Profile URL of the writer (Make sure the author has properly linked BLOG HOMEPAGE in his Google Plus Profile).
  • Please add the above link in the post  don't add them in footer, header or sidebar of your blog.
All Done: Then Publish the post and everything is done with perfection. Now grab a cup of tea and chill. Remember: (You have to add rel="author and rel="me" every time in the end of the certain author post so google and easily determine the writer's identity).

Testing!! How Your will Appear in Search:

Now in order to verify everything is managed perfectly we will use Rich Snippet Tool. Just in the text area insert the  URL of a specific post where you have added rel='author" attribution and then Press the button which says “Preview”.
If you have followed each and every step properly then you will be able to see the Picture of the writer of that specific post, which you uploaded on Google Plus. You will also witness a text which says “Verified: Authorship markup is verified for this page”, so you have officially verified a specific author on Google Search engine for certain post.

From the Editor's Desk:

Hope you have enjoyed the delight, it feels too flattered because we are the first Blog who is publishing this tutorial For Blogger BlogSpot Blog. We will continue the trend of publishing splendid unique tutorials related to blogger. Till then peace, blessings and happy multiple Google Authorship