Does SEO is Dead? Google Brings Evolution in Search Algorithm

Evolution Of SEO
The search engine marketing strategies has changed massively over the past decade. In the previous couple of years, the entire internet loving community has seen loads of ups and downs, especially in Search engine optimization. Search personalization, the rise of social media, on-going change in Google algorithm, and the decline of yahoo are the key game changers. It is pretty clear that the Evolution of SEO would bring unending fruitful benefits to webmasters and bloggers who are working hard, especially on their content. Most of the experts think that it is evolution of SEO because during the past couple of years webmasters and bloggers have witnessed a massive change. Therefore, today we will discuss Does SEO is Really DEAD or there is something which is still hidden.

SEO the Real Game Changer for Bloggers and Webmasters:

Before the word SEO (Search Engine Optimization) could discovered, people were use to submit their website and blogs to search engines directories.  Moreover, there were no Search engine crawlers to protect search engines from Spam, so it was extremely straightforward to manipulate Search engine with Black Hat. In 2002, Google came up with a major update in there algorithm that removed tons of the website from their search engine for doing Black Hat SEO (Spam Techniques and Tactics adapted to manipulate SEO) and that was an enormous loss for Bloggers and Webmasters. Moreover, it totally changed the stance of Search engines (The First Step of Evolution in SEO).

Google’s Sandbox Effect For New and Low Quality Website:

The Sandbox (also known as sandbox effect or penalty) is the name given to a ranking system which is used by Google in their search engine. In other words, new websites are placed in sandbox until or unless they improve their content. Once Google believe that a certain website has decent quality content then it will be automatically removed from Sandbox. Webmasters and bloggers can do numberless things to get out of Sandbox but time and patience is the key. This subject has been debated quite a few times but still this is not confirmed that sandbox effect exists, or it is a myth created by SEOs. Nevertheless, Sandbox was the biggest step by Google to bring evolution in SEO.

Google’s Another Step for Evolution in SEO (Panda and Penguin):

When Google eliminated Black Hat Website from their Search engine an enormous community of Spammers protested but in the end it was handled pretty handsomely. However, after Black Hat people started to copy others hard work, which become the biggest pain for Search engines especially for Google because they were the most popular search engine. In 2011, Google introduced yet another nightmare for content copiersand this time it Panda Algorithm update which entirely convert the internet from top to bottom. The main intention of this update was to eliminate website that are useless, copying content from other websites, or has low quality content. Since then, they has rolled more than 7 Panda Algorithm updates.        

In 2012, to fight against SPAM websites (Black Hat) Google rolled an enormous change in their algorithm and that was named as Google Penguin. Anyone who violates Google’s Webmaster Guideline would be penalized. From top to bottom these Two Updates has utterly transformed the outlook of Google Search engine.

IF SEO is DEAD Then How Google Rank Websites In Search Results?

Google has claimed many times that SEO is entirely based on the website’s content. According to the Google engineer Matt Cutts, “We don’t want to see people wasting their time in doing BlackHat, or spending hours in manipulating terms. We want users to create irresistibly beautiful content and if they want to do White HAT SEO then they are most welcome”. Content is the recipe to get higher rank in the Google SERP, but we should never forget that quality backlinks still has significance. The Combination of highly professional content and backlinks make perfectly pure Search engine optimization.