What is Google Penguin Update The Latest Threat For Bloggers

Webmasters and Bloggers have not even recovered from destructive Google Panda Update as they are still busy in combating against it. But now we have to face yet another threat, Google is all set to release its new algorithm named “Google Penguin Update”. I don’t understand why Google always named these updates on animals as they are making use to like/dislike these lovely animals which are nearly unknown to us.

The reason behind this update is to decrease the ranking of those sites which are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. There main focus is to penalize those website/blogs which are over optimization with tricky webspam tactics. The Latest Penguin Update may possibly the improved version of Google’s old Panda Update which is fine-tuned to target those who are violating quality content guidance. This effect can not only decrease our traffic but also has the tendency to damage our SERP ranking.

But those of us who are not using such old-fashioned, spammed strategies don’t have to feel any stress. This update is mainly designed to affect that website which has tiny or low quality content, and instead of building lethal backlinks are busy in abusing inbound linking guidance.

What is Google Penguin Update?

Penguin is an improve version of Panda Update to the Google algorithm which was released on the 24th of April 2012, with the mission to demolish those websites which are over-optimized with webspam techniques. To bring traffic to the website, a few sites use tactics that don’t give benefits to users, as they are taking a shortcut which makes their site rank higher then its expectation. According to Google Engineer Matt Cutts

In the next few days, we’re launching an important algorithm change targeted at webspam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted webspam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content. In the pervious Panda update
We want people doing white hat search engine optimization (or even no search engine optimization at all) to be free to focus on creating amazing, compelling web sites...

What is Google Penguin Update?

Google Penguin update will not affect those blogs/websites which are using pure SEO as they heavily depends on their content and according to Google content is the king. This update will completely change the way of searching it will not only give better search results but also give a boost to high quality blogs/websites by ranking them high in SERP (Search Engine Results).

How to Discover, Was I Hit by Penguin:

It’s easy to discover, just search some of your popular keywords in Google and check whether your site is getting the same rank that it use to get previously if it is getting the same ranking then we you have survive the first wave.  Now quickly look at your website statisticsand check how much visitors is referred by Google. If you saw a major traffic drop down then compare your old stats with your current stats if so, then you are unlikely hit by a Penguin Update. But if you saw a rise in your trafficthen Penguins is being cute to you so don’t worry. Saw no change? Then you are safe it has no impact on your website.

Factors which can Hit Your Blog/Websites with Penguin Update:

Comment Spamming – It’s time to say good bye to it:
It’s been an old trend to build backlinks by commenting on high page rank websites but as the technology is getting advance we need to elaborate our self. It is the time that we stop comment spamming this not only irritates a blog owner but now it can also affect your site ranking. Most users only post a comment for the sake of getting a BackLink they use automation commenting which are over stuffed with keywords and links which makes it simple for Google to identify this, and penalize these sites which are using such spam techniques.

Overflowed Same Keywords – Killing SEO:

Keywords are the most essential part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) it allows users to get the relevant content with the help of search engines. But most of the users are using it as a source of getting traffic by using blackhat techniques. They use the same keywords in every line of there article which makes Google to suspect why they are repeating same keywords again and again hence they penalty them.

Duplicate Content - Another Wrong Habit:

I can’t understand why people copy others hard work, we have witnessed it million times. Copying content is considered as a crime, if we copy others posts then we will be considered as a content thief. I don’t know why people are continuing the same trend of copying, its time that we come out from the shell and instead of copying we should concentrate on building our own unique content. After the Google Penguin update, it is almost impossible to attain high rank in SERP by copying contents. So its better to concentrate on building our own unique content If we still continue to repeat copyright violation then our blog may face detention in form of getting banned from SERP (Search Engine Results) 
Google panda is alive so content thief’s should not feel any joy as now they have to survive the two deadly animals (Not really) who are ready to devastate the entire spammed world of internet. Few weeks ago, Google officially confirmed that they released an update to its Panda 3.5 algorithm on April 19 2012. So it means Panda will fight against low quality pages while Penguin will target spam content.

What's NEXT

Penguin is really cute animal the reason why it is sweet to us (MBL) and we officially confirms that we are stable in our traffic as we don't saw any break down in our traffic. Still Penguin is new so it is really difficult to observe it in such short time but we will try our best to provide you quality information. Soon we will publish more articles which will allow you to fight against Penguin update, till then Peace, blessings and Happy Penguin Updating.