Blogger is the most easy and most fascinated platform for publishers to start the blogging journey.Blogger was founded to gave publisher reliably and solidity.Blogger is the most used platform in the world the reason why it is ranked 45 in the whole world and in most of counties it is on top 10.
Most of popular publisher recommend blogger instead of WordPress due to is solidity.There are many chats comparing wordpress and blogger but in the end blogger is the one who should win because of its user friendly experience.Blogger has helped the publisher to work freely with out any limitations.Another good thing about Blogger is that it could be optimized very easily,if you want to change styles it can be done in few steps,adding different widgets,working with Html CSS and much more has become much easier.Another key feature of blogger it is free you don't need to spend a single penny in buying hosting you just need to spend few dollar's in buying a domain for yourself.So todays topic is not so much difficult nor it is so easy its just your pure concentration will gave you the fine idea how you could start your journey in blogger
1.To Start A Blog According To Your Abilities:
You must start a blog in which you can work like a true patron and lead your audience to desirable content.You should not think about your self but you must Think about your audience that is trusting you.So in the first step you must start a blog according to your capabilities.If you started a blog against your capabilities you will not go far but you would face lows of difficulties.So its better to chose correct niche for your blog
2.How to start Posting At Blogger:
To start posting at blogger go to Your Blog >> New Post >> fill the Title and compose your post allocate your label and Publish your post.
What is LABELS:It works as categorise if you want your post to filled under same categorise then you should use the same LABELS.For example: I post Pc games so i will always use PC Game LABEL so that each time i post new games i would fill in PC GAMES.
3.Optimizing/Editing Your Posts In Blogger:
To edit you customize/change your post should go To Your Blog >> Posts >> Edit Posts >> do the changes you want And Press the Publish Button
4. Unpublicized your Post (To Revert Your post to Draft) In Blogger:
If you want to unpublic you post so its is not viewable by users and bots you have to follow the same processes go To Your Blog >> Posts >> Edit Posts >> And now Press REVERT TO DRAFT and now your post is unpublicized
5.To Edit/Change Blogger Template:
To Edit Blogger Template:Go to Your Blog >> Template/Layout >> Edit HTML > Proceed.Now you can edit your template to get full template select Expend your Widget.
To Change Blogger Template:Go to New Blogger Interface >> Your Blog >> Template >> Backup/Restore >> Choose file >> and Upload your template.Important:blogger could only upload Xml blogger templates begginear
From the Editors Desk:
So These are the basic Tips you must know before you start your blogging journey in blogger.These are the most basic tips but are the most important.You should know these if you want to become a successful blogger.If you need any help feel free to ask See ya Pals :)